
Practice and Practise Confusion and Solution||Easy Tips

Difference Between “Practice” and “Practise”

“Practice” এবং “Practise” শব্দ দুটি প্রায় একই রকম দেখতে এবং উচ্চারণ করতে হয়। তবে, এদের মধ্যে একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ পার্থক্য রয়েছে। British English-এ “Practice” একটি noun, আর “Practise” একটি verb। তবে American English-এ দুটি ক্ষেত্রেই “Practice” ব্যবহার করা হয়। এই আর্টিকেলে British English-এর নিয়ম অনুযায়ী এই পার্থক্য নিয়ে আলোচনা করব।

Definition & Examples:

  1. Practice (noun): এটি কোনো কাজ বা অভ্যাস বোঝায়, যা নিয়মিতভাবে করা হয়।
    • Example: He needs more practice to improve his English.
      Explanation: এখানে “practice” বোঝাচ্ছে “অভ্যাস” বা “চর্চা।”
  2. Practise (verb): এটি একটি কাজ বা action বোঝায়, যা কাউকে অভ্যাস করতে বা শিখতে সাহায্য করে।
    • Example: She practises piano every evening.
      Explanation: এখানে “practises” বোঝাচ্ছে যে সে প্রতিদিন পিয়ানো বাজানো অনুশীলন করে।

American English Note:
American English-এ noun এবং verb উভয় ক্ষেত্রেই “Practice” ব্যবহার করা হয়।

  • Example: I practice yoga daily.

Tips to Avoid Confusion:

  • British English:
    • Practice (noun) = কাজ বা অভ্যাস
    • Practise (verb) = অভ্যাস করা
  • American English: সব সময় “Practice” ব্যবহার করুন।
  • উদাহরণ:
    • British English: I need to practice speaking English. (noun)
    • British English: You should practise more before the competition. (verb)
    • American English: Use “Practice” for both.

How “Practice” and “Practise” Are Different

“Practice” and “Practise” are commonly confused words in English because they look alike and sound similar. However, their uses depend on whether you’re using British English or American English. This article will focus on their distinctions in British English while noting the American English usage.

Definition & Examples:

  1. Practice (noun): Refers to the act of doing something repeatedly to improve or the act of something being done regularly.
    • Example: He needs more practice to improve his English.
      Explanation: Here, “practice” is a thing, meaning the act of doing something repeatedly.
  2. Practise (verb): Refers to the act of doing an activity to improve a skill.
    • Example: She practises piano every evening.
      Explanation: “Practises” is an action, meaning she is actively working on improving her piano skills.

American English Note:
In American English, “Practice” is used for both the noun and the verb.

  • Example: I practice yoga daily. (verb)

Tips to Avoid Confusion:

  • In British English:
    • Use “Practice” for nouns.
    • Use “Practise” for verbs.
  • In American English: Always use “Practice” for both.
  • Examples:
    • British English: The doctor’s practice is located near the hospital. (noun)
    • British English: You should practise your speech before the presentation. (verb)
    • American English: She practices every morning. (verb)

Examples for Practice:

  • British English:
    1. I have tennis practice tomorrow evening. (noun)
    2. She will practise singing for the concert. (verb)
  • American English:
    1. My practice begins at 6 PM. (noun)
    2. I practice my French every day. (verb)

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