
Practice and Practise Confusion and Solution||Easy Tips

Difference Between “Practice” and “Practise” “Practice” এবং “Practise” শব্দ দুটি প্রায় একই রকম দেখতে এবং উচ্চারণ করতে হয়। তবে, এদের মধ্যে একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ পার্থক্য রয়েছে। British English-এ “Practice” একটি noun, আর “Practise” একটি verb। তবে American English-এ দুটি ক্ষেত্রেই “Practice” ব্যবহার করা হয়। এই আর্টিকেলে British English-এর নিয়ম অনুযায়ী এই পার্থক্য নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। Definition…


Difference Between Advice and Advise||Learn in A Minute

Advice and Advise Confusion and Solution “Advice” এবং “Advise” শব্দ দুটি দেখতে একই রকম এবং প্রায় একই বিষয়ে ব্যবহৃত হয়, তবে এগুলোর মধ্যে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ পার্থক্য রয়েছে। এই আর্টিকেলে আমরা এই দুই শব্দের অর্থ, ব্যবহার এবং পার্থক্য নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। Definition & Examples: Advice (উপদেশ): এটি একটি noun, যা কোনো পরামর্শ বা সুপারিশ বোঝায়। Example: He…


Difference Between Accept and Except|| Know in A Minute

Difference Between “Accept” and “Except” ইংরেজি শেখার সময় “Accept” এবং “Except” শব্দদুটি নিয়ে প্রায়ই বিভ্রান্তি তৈরি হয়। যদিও এই দুটি শব্দ উচ্চারণে কাছাকাছি, এদের অর্থ এবং ব্যবহার একেবারেই আলাদা। এই আর্টিকেলে আমরা এই দুই শব্দের পার্থক্য নিয়ে বিস্তারিত আলোচনা করব। Definition: Accept: এটি একটি ক্রিয়া (verb), যার অর্থ “গ্রহণ করা” বা “মেনে নেওয়া”। Example: I…

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Group Application Format||All In One Application For SSC and HSC

SSC/HSC Group Application Format/একটি Application দিয়ে সব Application লিখা If you understand and memorize the Group Application Format, you will be well-prepared to write similar applications in your SSC or HSC English exams. This format allows you to write applications on behalf of a group of students, whether it’s for leave, a request for permission,…


Differences Between Few and a Few|| Few vs A Few Confusion

 Few vs A Few Confusion ||Differences Between Few and a Few The distinction between “few” and “a few” is a key point in English grammar and often confuses learners. Both phrases refer to small quantities, but they convey different meanings and feelings in a sentence. Learning this difference is essential for mastering accurate English usage….


Affect vs Effect: Understanding the Difference with Examples

The words Affect and Effect are among the most commonly confused in the English language. While they look and sound similar, their meanings and usage are quite different. In this article, we’ll dive into their meanings, usage, and provide examples to clear up the confusion. Affect vs Effect: Key Differences Affect: A Verb (Action) Affect…


It’s vs. Its: How to Use Them Correctly (With Examples)

Confused about when to use it’s and its? Don’t worry—you’re not alone. These two small words cause big confusion, even for native English speakers. This guide will help you master the difference between it’s and its with simple explanations, examples, and tips to avoid mistakes. What Does “It’s” Mean? The word it’s is a contraction,…


Difference Between “Than” and “Then”|| Than vs Then

Than and Then Confusion English can sometimes be tricky, especially when it comes to words that sound similar but have completely different meanings. Two such words are “than” and “then”. Misusing them can confuse your readers or even change the meaning of your sentence entirely. In this article, we’ll break down the difference between “than”…


Using Double Negatives in English: A Guide to Correct Usage of Double Negative

Using Double Negatives in English: A Guide to Correct Usage What are Double Negatives in English? Double negatives are a common feature in many languages, but in English, they can cause confusion and significantly alter the meaning of a sentence. Understanding how double negatives work in English is crucial for clarity and effective communication. Rule…


Where Are You Coming From? vs. Where Are You From?

Where Are You Coming From? vs. Where Are You From? Confusion Understanding the difference between “Where are you coming from?” and “Where are you from?” is essential for clear communication. These phrases are often confused by learners, leading to incorrect usage. This guide explains the rules, provides examples, and highlights common mistakes for both English…


Say and Tell Difference|| When to Say Tell or Tell

Say and Tell Difference|| When to Say Tell or Tell Do you know the difference between say and tell? In English, say and tell are both used to refer to speaking or communicating something, but they are used in different ways. It’s important to know the difference to avoid confusion. Rule: Use say when you…


She Works hard/hardly? Which One Is Correct?

She Works hard/hardly? Which One Is Correct? A common mistake is saying she works hardly when you want to express that someone works with great effort. The word hardly actually means barely or almost not, which is the opposite of what you intend. Again, sometimes we are confused whether hard is the adjective or adverb….